Hearing aid styles

There are many styles of hearing aid to suit your preferred hearing aid choice and level of hearing loss.


(completely in canal hearing aid)

CIC Hearing Aid Completely In Canal

Mild to moderate hearing loss

Very small case

Fits inside the ear canal, making it practically invisible

Size prevents the use of directional microphones

Hearing Aid Styles


(in the canal hearing aid)

ITC Hearing Aid In The Canal

Mild to moderately severe hearing loss
Small, one piece case
Fits inside the ear canal
Directional microphones are possible with this model


(half shell hearing aid)

HS Hearing Aid Half Shell

Mild to sever hearing loss

Small case

Fits inside the ear canal, and is partially visible

Directional microphones

Hearing Aid Styles

and miniRITE

(receiver in the ear hearing aid)

RITE Hearing Aid Receiver in the ear

Mild to moderate hearing loss

Leaves the ear canal open for a natural sound quality

Smallest external hearing aid, as the receiver is located in the end of the tube inside the ear

Very small case that sits behind the ear, making it practically invisible


(open ear hearing aid)

Open Hearing Aid Open Ear

Mild to moderate hearing loss

Ear canal is open for a natural sound quality

Smallest external aid, as the receiver is located in the end of the tube inside the ear

Very small case that sits behind the ear, making it practically invisible

Hearing Aid Styles


(behind the ear hearing aid)

BTE Hearing Aid Behind the ear

Mild to severe hearing loss

Fully featured hearing aids

Larger case can be easier for wearers with dexterity considerations

Case contains all features and sits behind the ear

Many colour options


(high power hearing aid)

Power Hearing Aid High power hearing aid

Profound hearing loss

More powerful solutions that provide the greatest level of amplification

Larger case worn behind the ear

Hearing Aid Styles


(hearing glasses)

Hearing Glasses Hearing AidsIf you are looking for a hearing solution that combines with your glasses, then Hearing glasses are the perfect solution for you – improving your hearing and vision

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